Full name: Legal Services Company
Abbreviation: LSCO
(LSCO Legal services, LSCO Education services, LSCO Tax and Accounting services)

LSCO - Legal Services:
Legal services are provided by our professional lawyers who have been working in the field of law for many years. Lawyers who have served in law enforcement agencies and have court experience offer their invaluable services in protecting the rights of citizens with their professionalism.

LSCO - Education Services:
The company introduced itself in the sphere of Education Abroad in 2022 under the name of Edu Dream Academy LLC, bringing together experienced specialists working individually in the field of education since 2018. At the end of 2022, due to the further expansion of the company's fields of activity, Legal Services Company LLC was founded with a new name, and now the company is successfully continuing its activities as LSCO Education Service.